Controlling Widget State
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use the MixWidgetStateController
to manage the state of a custom pressable widget called CustomPressable. We'll cover how to create the CustomPressable widget, handle press and long press gestures, and update the widget state using the MixWidgetStateController
Creating the CustomPressable Widget
First, let's create the CustomPressable widget that extends StatefulWidget:
class CustomPressable extends StatefulWidget {
const CustomPressable({super.key,, this.onPressed, this.label});
final Style? style
final VoidCallback? onPressed;
final String? label;
_CustomPressableState createState() => _CustomPressableState();
class _CustomPressableState extends State<CustomPressable> {
late final MixWidgetStateController _controller;
void initState() {
_controller = MixWidgetStateController();
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
// We'll build the widget tree here
In the _CustomPressableState class, we create an instance of MixWidgetStateController
called _controller
in the initState method. We also make sure to dispose of the _controller
in the dispose method to avoid memory leaks.
Building the Widget Tree
Next, let's build the widget tree inside the build method of _CustomPressableState:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
child: FocusableActionDetector(
onShowFocusHighlight: (hasFocus) {
// Update focus state
onShowHoverHighlight: (isHovered) {
// Update hover state
child: SpecBuilder(
controller: _controller,
builder: (context) {
final BoxWidget = BoxSpec.of(context);
final TextWidget = TextSpec.of(context);
return BoxWidget(
child: TextWidget(widget.label),
We use the SpecBuilder
to build the widget tree, passing the _controller
to manage the widget state. Inside the builder function of SpecBuilder, we have a GestureDetector to handle press and long press gestures, and a FocusableActionDetector to handle focus and hover interactions.
Handling Press and Long Press Gestures
Let's implement the logic to handle press and long press gestures:
onTap: () {
_controller.pressed = true;
// Reset the pressed state after a short delay
Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), () {
_controller.pressed = false;
When a tap gesture occurs, we set the pressed property of the _controller to true. After a short delay of 100 milliseconds, we reset the pressed state to false using Future.delayed.
Similarly, when a long press gesture occurs, we set the longPressed property of the _controller to true and reset it to false after a short delay.
Updating Focus and Hover States
Let's update the focus and hover states using the onShowFocusHighlight and onShowHoverHighlight callbacks:
onShowFocusHighlight: (hasFocus) => _controller.focused = hasFocus,
onShowHoverHighlight: (isHovered) => _controller.hovered = isHovered,
When the focus state changes, we update the focused property of the _controller accordingly. Similarly, when the hover state changes, we update the hovered property of the _controller
Using the CustomPressable Widget
Now that we have created the CustomPressable widget and implemented the necessary logic, we can use it in our app:
final style = Style(
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: CustomPressable(
style: style,
label: 'Press Me',
onPressed: () {
print('Button pressed');